Orthodontics is a specialty practice in dentistry that uses braces or aligners to correct irregularities of teeth. Orthodontics can help improve bite, speech, teeth alignment, and teeth spacing. When the teeth are correctly aligned it’s far easier to clean teeth through flossing and brushing. This will alleviate oral issues and continue to keep your child’s smile healthy and happy!
What Is Orthodontics?
Orthodontic care involves the use of two main types of appliances. The most common appliance is braces, which are attached to the teeth. The second one is a removable appliance, which is inserted and taken out by the patient. These devices can be used to:
- Straighten teeth
- Correct an irregular bite
- Close unsightly gaps
- Bring teeth and lips into proper alignment

What is an Ortho Appliance?
Orthodontic care involves the use of two main types of appliances. The most common appliance is braces, which are attached to the teeth. The second one is a removable appliance, which is inserted and taken out by the patient. These devices can be used to:
- Straighten teeth
- Correct an irregular bite
- Close unsightly gaps
- Bring teeth and lips into proper alignment
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