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Kids Dental Care
Caring About Your Child and Caring About Their Smile

At Kids’ Dental Safari and Braces we are committed to providing the highest quality dental care in Las Vegas and it all starts with a preventative dental care for your child. A good foundation of preventative dental care helps prevent serious dental issues from arising and ensures that your child’s oral health remains healthy.

We have an exceptionally skilled team of dentists here at Kids’ Dental Safari and Braces that can help improve your child’s oral health substantially while tracking jaw, teeth, and hum development over time. Our pediatric dental care includes cleanings, fluoride treatments, comprehensive dental exams, and sometimes X-rays in the Las Vegas area.

Comprehensive Dental Exams

Dental exams at Kids’ Dental Safari and Braces involve dental hygienists and dentists to get an indepth look into your childs mouth to assess the teeth, gums, bite, jaw development, and overall oral health. Our Las Vegas dental exams allows our skilled pediatric dentists to get a deeper understanding of your child oral health and mouth development to create a comprehensive care plan.

Cleaning & Fluoride Treatments

Leave the dental cleaning to the professionals at Kids’ Dental Safari and Braces so we can effectively clean the hard to reach places, remove plaque build up, and reduce tartar. After our thorough dental cleaning, we apply our fluoride treatment used to help strengthen your child’s teeth.


Dental X-Rays are a great way for Kids’ Dental Safari and Braces to get an overall picture of your kid’s mouth. This allows them to get an idea of their jaw and facial bone development as well as their teeth placements and growth.

Cavity Prevention

Cavities are the breakdown of teeth due to bacteria, also known as tooth decay. Bacteria can affect both the tooth enamel (outer coating) and dentin (inner coating). It’s common for people to have cavities without knowing they do because they don’t typically cause a lot of discomfort until they get worse. The more time that passes, the worse the cavity will become. If you wake up with a toothache or feel a sharp pain in your mouth while eating or drinking, it’s quite possible that you have developed a cavity and should schedule an exam with your local pediatric dentist in Las Vegas at Kids’ Dental Safari and Braces.

Cavities are caused from food and sugars sticking to the inside and outside of your teeth. Plaque builds up and carries bacteria that will begin to damage your teeth. Although cavities are most commonly found in children, adults should still visit the dentist every six months to have their teeth cleaned and examined. While adults may eat less junk food and be more conscious about brushing their teeth, gums naturally recede with age, exposing areas of the root and allowing food to become trapped in those areas, which are difficult to reach with a toothbrush.

In most cases a cavity can be fixed with a filling, but if the tooth isn’t treated the condition can become increasingly worse and more painful. Although it’s not very common, some cavities will require the tooth to be pulled if it cannot be repaired.

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings help restore the integrity of your child’s tooth. Our pediatric dentists at Kids’ Dental Safari and Braces can remove the tissue of the tooth that has been compromised and fill it with resin and composite to improve the health and functionality of the tooth and overall smile.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a thin coating that is applied to the molars. It’s a proactive way to ensure that are sealed and are less susceptible to cavities.

Dental sealants are a thin coating applied to the back teeth called molars. It’s a proactive way to ensure that children’s teeth are sealed and are less susceptible to cavities.


Dental extractions are a dental procedure we use at Kids’ Dental Safari and Braces that remove teeth from the socket. Extractions are necessary in situations where teeth are infected, decayed, or the tooth is damaged. Extracting these compromised teeth can help the remaining teeth and smile be in optimal condition.

Schedule An Appointment Today

Since my first child is now 8 years old since I began to bring him to Safari dental I was delighted with the treatment that they give to children there, the nurses are very kind to children and now I take my two children there and as long as they treat me there I will not stop taking them, continue like this, they are the best place for my family, thanks for being like this with the children and the good attitude they have.... Blessings.
Yessica G.
Patient Mom
Since we moved to vegas Dental safari is The best dentist 5 star For My kids . we have been going there more than 3 years and we had the most amazing experiences. Every visit, ad all my kids in for cleaning and check up,, the office are clean as always ,front desk are very nice people in phone in person. During covid They did their best They really made sure everything was safe for everyone. Great staff like always. I highly recommend.
Hermela H.
Patient Mom
Kids dental Safari and braces is a great place to take your kids for dental work. The staff there does GREAT! work and are very polite....Thank you guys.
Mimi H.
Patient Mom